Friday, October 8, 2010

How Does It Feel to Be a Problem. Blog 1

For Issues, I had to read "How Does It feel to Be a Problem?" by Moustafa Bayoumi.  The first chapter of the book made me want to cry because I took pity on the family who ahve been through a lot after 9/11.  The story scared me about when they were treated unethically.  The first story talks about Rasha, a Muslim, about her interpretation about her family and her life story about being a problem in America.
It all happened early in the morning during their sleep on February of 2002 , lights were flashing on their house and she and her whole family were being handcuffed by the INS, US Marshalls, and the FBI.  The leader of the team told her thatshe and her family are being investigated for any terrorist connections from the 9/11 attack a year before.  She realized that this was no any accidental arrest because the team knew about their status and identifications.  Then the whole family was separated and they were taken in to different prison facilities.
Rash, her sister, and mom had to be stripped search, wore converse shoes and beige jumpsuits, and they were taken in to prison cells that were not in good conditions just like every other prison cell in America.  They were barred with other citizens of the Middle East who were also falsely accused of terrorism.  Rasha feared that her family will get separated forever.  Even worse would be getting deported back to the Middle East.
Thankfully in the end, they were free to go and they were reunited with their loved ones.
Rasha and her family had a good life until this incident occured.  When she was in prison with her family, she had no right to speech and she faced prejudice and racial slurs by US officials guarding her.  Because of her experience, she decide to study Foreign realtions in college so no one would go through the same treatment that she and her family went through.  In her eyes, Americans believe that Mulims are a piece of dirt in this country and they should be wiped out of America.  Ever since 9/11, Muslim American were all kept watch all because a minority of their country created the greatest massacre of the 21st century in America's History.  Rasha found support from friends and lawyers to help her and her family get out of prison.  There were also investigations that the INS would do unethical things to the falsely accused Arabic like physical abuse, steripped searching, expressing racial slurs, and if deported, they will be deported without any clothing whatsoever.  That happened to Rasha and her family.
In prison, she had no right to express her beliefs and now she ha become strong in expressing it.  When she saw the American in the restaurant after her release, she went up to him and got mad at him for making her mother cry back in prison.  It did not change anything, but in her heart it felt like relief.  No one should go through her experience ever.     


At December 8, 2010 at 7:34 PM , Blogger Jake said...

This sounds like it is a really powerful, yet scary, book to read. I cant imagine waking up and being handcuffed and separated from my family, not having done anything wrong. After reading your post, I wonder if the INS had ANY information that connected her family to the 9/11 attacks or if they were only arrested because of their ethnicity. I think that this story is a really good way to highlight the flaws of the United States. Often times, people think of the United States as being this amazing country where everyone is free and there are no problems, but in fact, there are thinks like this occurring in which the U.S. government is taking advantage of people and falsely accusing them of things that they did not do. This must have been a horrifying experience for Rasha and her family because they had no clue what would happen and what their "consequence" would be to the crime that they didn't even commit. Luckily, they were released, but I wonder if there are people who are in similar situations as Rasha but are not as lucky and are not released although they may be innocent.

At August 22, 2013 at 7:23 PM , Blogger thaicelebrityfever said...

Thanks for the helpful reviews!


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