Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Drug Testing Resolution

After debating whether us students support or oppose drug testing in schools, I am in favor for the drug testing.  For once, I do not do drugs and nor will I make the unwise decision to take drugs ever in my life.  Drugs have been a big problem in American High schools for several years and it changed the American society forever.  With surprisingly exponential numbers of drug incidents in high schools in the US, this is a better time than any other time to use drug testing on high schools of the 21st century.  We need to put drug testing on schools not only to get drug users off the schools, but to keep every student safe from drugs and make the high schools a better place to be educated.
I support drug testing and the right of fourth amendment because in N.J. vs TLO, students are supposed to bring things for their academics, lunch, keys for the car and home, and supplies for hygiene and grooming.  Also the school officials represent the state, not merely as surrogates for the parents, and they cannot claim the parents immunity from the 4th Amendment. 
There is probable cause and reasonable suspicion to keep the school and its students safe from drugs. 


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