Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Mock Trial Recap

We have spent a long time talking about the issue of sexual harssment in class.  Some of the definitions of the offensive act are unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.  In order for us to understand the horrific nature of the crime, we had a mock trial.  The first case was a sexual harssment when Elise Roberts had a tough taking offensive jokes and other acts by her co worker especially when Kevin Murphy took the risk of posting a picture of a swimsuit model from the magazine and with her name across tho photo.  When the trial was over, the verdict was that Kevin Murphy was found guilty of sexual harassment.  I agreed with the result and verdict of the trial because one of the compeling facrs was that the photo was hung up, Elise came to the supervisor but the supervisor did not do anything about it, and Murphy's harassment met the standards of the crime by saying derogatory comments, comments, jokes, and slurs, and displaying pictures/ poster  targeted toward Elise.  If I ever had an opposite opinion, what I needed to hear in the trial is that there were no witnesses in the work place to support her case.

The next case that I was a part of was the case of David Jones and he was charged of not sexual harssment but rape or in othewr words, sexual assault.  The crime of raping an individual particularly a female, is the act of having sexual intercourse without the woman's consent.  After the trial and getting the results, David Jones was not guilty of raping his then girlfriend, Susan Williams.  I was not happy for the result and I did not agree with the verdict.  The most compelling facts that helped David win his case was that there was no evidence that Susan was raped because she took a shower after the incident and no witnesses saw nor heard the rape take place.  These were the most constructive facts to consider because they proof and sufficient eveidence that he did not rape her.  If I ever had an oposite opinion in this case, I would want to hear form the prosecutors that they had witnesses listen and hear the rape take place and that Susan never showered so the evidence would have been kept in her system.

After looking on the aftermath and causes of rape and sexual harassment, I believeve that these two offenses in America's society is on the rise and it makes both men and women a target and living in an unsafe environment.  People who commit these types of crimes should understand the regretful consequences that will affect their lives forever.  So far, sexual harassment has not been a significant problem in DHS but it can potentially be one and the culture of DHS detracts sexual harssment because the school believes in their First Class motto and it strict consequences when commiting a crime.  The consequences of sexual harassment should be adressed in an assembly conducted by a group of experts that can give a long lasting impact and inportant message of commiting rape and sexual harassment.


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