Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Death Penalty # 3

1.      The aspects in the stages in a capital case that is designed to protect the rights of the accused are the opening statements, defendant’s case, mitigating circumstances, the defendant’s appeal, and clemency.  I believe that this system is sufficient to guarantee that only the convicted will be guilty because with its long process and careful examination of the defendant to determine if guilty or not.
2.      Out of all the methods of death, I believe the most humane is lethal injection.  The method that is considered “cruel and unusual punishment” by the Eighth Amendment has got to be the gas chamber because it was the same punishment used by Nazis to exterminate Jews in the Holocaust.  Jews were killed unethically because of this method.  No criminal should suffer the same way the Jews died.
3.      From looking on this data, I believe most of the states have accomplished exterminating criminals that roam the streets and cause chaos.  This can benefit the people because it can keep them safe from danger.  It makes criminals think twice as well.  The state by state data tells us which methods of death are used or not used.  The regional and other trends I saw were the timelines of approving which method is better than the other and which method was better.  And I also found facts and court cases that led to the approval of the method.  When it comes to equality, justice, and arbitrariness, the data tells us that these issues are sufficient for justice for the victims, equality of letting the inmate be punished severely, and arbitrary is beneficial to the choice of punishment without restriction.
4.      This info influences my previous response because it gives me proof that most of the states approve the death penalty and uses it as well.  The data telle me that the economy of deaths happens mostly in the South and the ethnicity is mostly white that serve the death penalty.  The public opinion in data states that most people are in full support of the death penalty.  My point of view about the death penalty is that it is the perfect sentence to punish the criminal and the data overall is accurate and convincing.  Because it is accurate and matches with the links from the previous questions.


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