Monday, October 25, 2010


In the 21st century, Bullying is now a problem in the American society.  The world of Bullying is old but its strain is entirely new.  For example, because of technology being evolved everyday, Cyberbullying was created.  Cyberbullying is posting nasty and mean rumors and things on a certain individual causing their feelings to be hurt and have low self- esteem.  When the stages of the Cyberbully victim takes effect, the victim would eventually be depressed and lead to suicide.
Bullies exist in this world because not only do they think that they can be invincible do anything they want, but because they want to make themselves feel better.  Because cyberbullying and bullies in general exist, it makes America and the whole world more imperfect by the minute.
In class, we talked a lot about cases of bullying and the bullies.  Most bullies would be tall, strong, and well built and will make friends easily with people who have agressive behavior.  Usually bullies would mature to be good citizens and apologize for their mistakes back in their youth.  But I was surprised that it was not the case.  A survey that I participated in revealed that most bullies who grow up will live a life of crime and get in exponential consequences in life.  It was interesting to find out how bullies could still act like a criminal even as adults. 
But the case of bullying that struck me the was the case of Phoebe Prince from South Hadley, Massachussets.  She was an immigarnt from Ireland ready to come to high school.  Phoebe was friendly and energetic but it all came to a stop when she got picked on and called with inapprorpiate names from a group of mean girls.  She was harassed because she dated the star football player of the high school.  Just because of jealousy they had to push her to her breaking point.  Phoebe and her mom asked help from the school and the school kept that promise.  But they did not do anything.
Phoebe's breaking point occured when she was walkig home to school and the bullies threw a can of red bull from the car they rode on.  They eventually drove off.  When Phoebe came home, she hanged herself.
Now the perepetrators were taken in to custody for harassment, racial slurs, physical and verbal abuse, and statutory rape from the football player and another guy bully.
Her death gave an outcry across the country and it made me angry personally because I am not an American nor an immigrant.  I am a Visa holder and it can happen to me as well or to anyone.
Phoebe was ready to taste the American Dream but the dream was taken away from her all because she was dating a football player.
Now in South Hadley, anti- bullying laws were being requested to the Massachusetts legislation and were accepted on May 3, 2010.  Massachussets set up the state anti- bullying task force to combat bullying in schools particularly South Hadley.  I believe that these actions of justice will give a huge impact to South Hadley and America.  These actions will reduce bullying and make South Hadley a better place.  I hope that the rest of America can adopt anti- bullying laws and a state anti- bullying task force to make America bully free for students so they can get the privilege for a better education.
DHS has no problems of bullying but it still has to detect signs of bullying and prevent it from happening. 
Solutions to prevent the chaos are: Attending assemblies of anti- bullying  that can help the school prevent the problem, offering personal experiences to tell about bulling, or better yet use Challenge day as a tool to break the cycle of bullying.


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